General Minister & COUNCILLORS

General Minister & COUNCILLORS

Br. Roberto Genuin – Curriculum vitae

Br. Roberto Genuin was born on 20 September 1961 in Falcade (province and diocese of Belluno, Italy) to Antonio Genuin and Valeria Adami, in a large and believing family. He was baptized on the following 24 September. At the age of eleven (1972) he entered the Seraphic Seminary of Castelmonte (Udine province). He began his novitiate year in Lendinara (Province of Adria-Rovigo) on 3 October 1980, he made his temporary profession of vows on 4 October 1981 and his perpetual profession in Venice on 30 June 1985. He obtained a baccalaureate in Sacred Theology « Summa cum laude »In the Interprovincial Theological Study« Laurentianum»In Venice, June 27, 1986. He was ordained a priest on June 27, 1987 in his native parish of Falcade (Belluno). Member of our International College in Rome from 1991 to 1996, at the Pontifical Lateran University he obtained a PhD in ” Utroque Iure “.

While still a deacon, he was already the animator of the Seraphic Seminary (1986-1987), later becoming its director (1987-1991). After studying in Rome he was appointed Guardian in Venice, deputy director of the Laurentianum Theological Study and permanent teacher of the same (1996-2008). Elected Vicar Provincial, he participates as a delegate at the General Chapters of 2006, 2012 and 2018. In 2008 he was elected Minister Provincial for two three-year periods. In 2014 the Minister General appointed him as Prime Minister Provincial of the Venetian Province of “Santa Croce”. In 2017, fr. Roberto was appointed Guardian of the Convent in Rovereto (Trento).

During his time as Minister Provincial he visits all the friars of the Province in Italy and abroad, where the confreres work as missionaries or in silent service to the Church (Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Brazil, Greece, Hungary, Georgia, Israel, Switzerland) . At the request of the Order, he agreed to send other young friars not only to the Provincial Delegations of Greece and Hungary, but also to the new presence in Georgia, Switzerland and Clermont-Ferrand (France), thus joining the «Project Europe”. He assiduously collaborated, as a member of the Commission, in the revision of the Constitutions of the Capuchin Friars Minor, accompanying it with the entire juridical apparatus in the notes. He was also a member of the Preparatory Commission for the 2018 General Chapter, which elected him Minister.